Handbags, I make a variety of styles of bags to suit all occasions from everyday bags to smart occasion clutch bags. The majority are constructed from Harris Tweed but I also work with locally produced Yorkshire Tweeds.
To check my currently available bags to purchase please visit my Etsy shop or contact me to discuss a bespoke order.

About Sew Can Sue
From Yorkshire with love...
My name is Sue and I am a Yorkshire lass born and bred.
I have sewn for as long as I remember, and over the years have sewn everything from dolls clothes to soft furnishings. A few years ago I stumbled upon bag making and was instantly hooked. I started to sell my bags, initially to friends and family and then began selling online via the Etsy marketplace.
Having recently taken early retirement from my office job in the civil service I am now free to devote my time to building my brand and look forward to what the future brings for me and my
little business.
Following a visit to the Harris Tweed exhibition at Rheged in 2016 I immediately fell in love with this iconic fabric and my bags since then have been almost exclusively made from the tweed. I particularly like the bright vibrant colours that are now available and recently have started to embelish my work with machine embroidery designs, the quirky sheep are a particular favourite.
Feel free to have a look around my site and get in touch for any bespoke orders.