Handbags, I make a variety of styles of bags to suit all occasions from everyday bags to smart occasion clutch bags. The majority are constructed from Harris Tweed but I also work with locally produced Yorkshire Tweeds.
To check my currently available bags to purchase please visit my Etsy shop or contact me to discuss a bespoke order.

Knitting project bags
A recent addition to my project range are a selection of project bags for knitters and crocheters, these have proved to be extremely popular, the embroidered sheep bags are available to order in a variety of colours via my Etsy shop

Toiletry bags
My makeup bags in both Harris Tweed and Liberty of London prints are a popular choice for gifts or simply as a treat to yourself.
Also popular for those hard to buy for men in your life are my Harris Tweed and leather washbags.
All my toiletries and makeup bags are lined with a practical wipe clean waterproof nylon fabric so beauty and functionality are combined.

I make a wide variety of accessories from Harris Tweed ranging from reusable notebook covers, cushions to brighten your decor, Christmas decorations & my ever popular fleece lined neck warmers to keep you cosy in the cooler months.