Handbags, I make a variety of styles of bags to suit all occasions from everyday bags to smart occasion clutch bags. The majority are constructed from Harris Tweed but I also work with locally produced Yorkshire Tweeds.
To check my currently available bags to purchase please visit my Etsy shop or contact me to discuss a bespoke order.

Harris Tweed
A uniquely beautiful material
I specialise in making bags and accessories; each item is handmade by myself with care and attention to detail, in my sunny South Yorkshire home sewing studio.
The majority of my creations use beautiful Harris Tweed, which I source directly from weavers on the Outer Hebrides.
I particularly favour the bright and unusual tweeds that the independent weavers specialise in producing. I rarely make the exact same bag twice so they are perfect if you don’t want to follow the crowd.
I complement the tweed by using good quality hardware and leather accents for a luxurious finish.